New Blaine parishioner connects nature with art project

Name: Annie Woody  Parish: St. Scholastica Church, New Blaine Age: 75 Family: Annie and her husband Dewey have a blended family of four children, 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Career: Retired controller for the Hardscrabble Country Club Why you want to know…

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A prayer for daily work

“God of all creation, through our daily work you have made us stewards of the earth and co-creators with you. As a skilled carpenter, Joseph worked in Nazareth and taught Jesus the dignity of human work and the nobility of manual labor.…

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What is a just wage?

Just like a person has the right to work, a person is also entitled to a “just wage” in the eyes of the Church.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in part, “A just wage is the legitimate fruit of work.…

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Don’t let misconceptions cause faith to waver

Throughout my life — 17 years —  I have quickly picked up on the fact that there are few forms of entertainment in a small town.  The options become even slimmer when you are referring to a small southern town in Arkansas.…

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