Malea Hargett has guided the diocesan newspaper since 1994. In her 30 years working for the Diocese of Little Rock, her role has expanded to include overseeing social media and digital media. She finds strength in her faith through attending Walking with Purpose Bible studies at Christ the King Church in Little Rock. She is married with two adult sons.

Associate Editor
Katie Zakrzewski joined the Arkansas Catholic staff in 2023 after working in local media and the environmental sector. A member of St. Mary Church in North Little Rock, she recently completed her master’s degree in public service from the Clinton School. When she isn’t covering a story, you can find her refilling her bird feeders or trying to coax a stray animal into her car. She is engaged and lives in Little Rock.

Creative Services Specialist
Debbie Kelly joined the staff in 2024, overseeing all graphic design for the newspaper. Her previous experience working at a religious institution and in print media has prepared her for this role. Debbie moved numerous times as a Navy/Coast Guard brat but has called Central Arkansas home for the past 20 years. She is lucky to have two feline roommates, Remus and Lil Bit.

Business Manager
Mark Brasfield joined the Arkansas Catholic staff in 2022. He is responsible for its circulation, advertising and financials. Mark enjoys volunteering, serving as financial secretary for Knights of Columbus Council 18219 (North Little Rock) and as Rotary Club of Little Rock Afterhours Foundation chair (2024-2025). He is also active in his parish’s Men’s Club. Mark and his wife have three adult children and two teenagers. They attend Immaculate Conception in North Little Rock.

DOLR Website Director
Tara Little has been with Arkansas Catholic for nearly 23 years and has served in various capacities, including production manager and associate editor. Since 2006 she has managed the website for the Diocese of Little Rock and later expanded that role to include the diocesan social media channels. She is passionate about learning and sharing the faith. She is married with one son.