Advertising Customer Service

Here are creative ways to put your message in front of Catholic consumers and decision makers across Arkansas, easily and at low cost. Read more, and contact us below.

Custom XM has reached prospects through Arkansas Catholic for umpteen years!

Arkansas Catholic

Advertising in Arkansas Catholic, the diocesan newspaper, is an effective way to reach more than 11,500 Catholics across the state each week. The average reader is well educated, has a strong financial base and makes their household’s day-to-day purchasing decisions. Learn more about our readership.

ADVERTISING RATES (One time, black and white)
Marketplace (1.25 column inches): $27
1/16 page: $59
1/8 page: $115
1/4 page: $205
1/2 page: $365
Full page: $657

All advertising in the print edition is automatically included in the digital edition. Ask about frequency discounts available by scheduling ads to run multiple times during the year. Full-color ad space is available. See details in the Arkansas Catholic rate sheet. Parishes, schools, religious houses and other arch/dioceses get a discounted rate.

See the 2025 editorial calendar for information on special issues and sections. Our ad policy explains what kinds of ads we can — and can’t — accept.

Catholic Diocese of Little Rock Directory

Put your good name in front of your best Catholic customers and prospects by advertising in the Church’s annual directory. The glossy softcover 2026 directory will be distributed in fall 2025 to hundreds of parish decision makers, diocesan staff, priests, religious and other active Catholics around the state. The directory is the exclusive source of comprehensive contact information on all diocesan offices, ministries, schools, parishes, priests and religious in the Diocese of Little Rock.

Full page: $355
Half page: $225

Cover advertising space, in full color, is available at a special rate. Ad space reservations for the 2026 edition will be open until June 6, 2025. website 

Advertising on Arkansas Catholic’s website is an exciting option to expand your presence 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as little as $2.90 a day. The award-winning diocesan newspaper site attracts thousands of readers a month who are looking for news, insight and information on their faith. Get details in this web rate sheet.


aSpire newsletter

aSpire is a free e-mail newsletter about building personal faith, life in the Church and the Diocese of Little Rock. Each issue is brief, casual and entertaining — and sent only to subscribers who have specifically asked to receive the newsletter. Now issued twice a month to more than 3,200 subscribers, affordable advertising reaches subscribers as well as everyone they forward to. Learn more in this aSpire rate sheet.

Contact business manager Mark Brasfield by email or call (501) 664-0125.


Advertising Contact Request

I have a question about advertising. Please contact me.