Join the mission to engage younger generations
The future of our Church depends on keeping a place in the hearts of young Catholics who may see electronic media more often than they see the inside of a church.
Arkansas Catholic must be ready to use every channel to help them see trustworthy local Catholic news and commentary, true to the faith and loyal to the Church.
With your support — one time, or as a monthly sustaining member — we can make this happen. Join the Guardian Angels today and help sustain the Church’s future.
What can your membership do?
Guardian Angels membership supports technology, training, translation and other resources to help keep those young adults connected to the Church — and better serve all Catholics in the diocese at the same time.
Your membership, especially when joined with the support of other Guardian Angels, can help us reach Catholics across Arkansas whether they are devout or doubting, fervent or fallen away. Recent examples include photo software, emailing service fees, photography and live-streaming ordinations and producing a professional, quality video. Today, we are working to completely revamp the Arkansas Catholic website to meet current design and security standards.
How can I help?
First, please pray for Arkansas Catholic and the success of projects funded through the Guardian Angels.
You can give online using a credit card or electronic check through our secure donation page. Or, click for a PDF response form you can print and mail to us with your contribution.
Arkansas Catholic announces new and renewing members in the newspaper, with our thanks.
Convenient and sustainable
A Guardian Angels sustaining membership is an automated monthly gift that is convenient, ongoing and secure. Sustaining members are crucial to providing an ongoing base of support that we can rely on, to make longer-term plans and budget our spending more efficiently.
See all the membership levels on our secure donation page.
Thank you! to the 2023 Guardian Angels.
For more information
- For background and the history of the centennial-born Guardian Angels project, see How the Guardian Angels make a difference.
- If you have questions or comments about the Guardian Angels campaign, you can contact editor Malea Hargett by e-mail or call (501) 664-0125 during business hours.
- You may also write to Arkansas Catholic Guardian Angels, P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock AR 72217.