How the Guardian Angels make a difference 

Join the mission to engage younger generations

The future of our Church depends on keeping a place in the hearts — and eyes — of young adults. Bombarded by secularity in every kind of electronic media, connecting with them means offering inspiration and news of the faith through the technology they use. 

Guardian Angels membership supports technology, training, translation and other resources to help young adults stay connected to the Church and better serve all Catholics in the diocese.

What can your membership do?

Your membership, especially when joined with the support of other Guardian Angels, can help us reach Catholics across Arkansas whether they are devout or doubting, fervent or fallen away. Here are a few examples:

  • Two months of software to prepare photos for publishing, including social media and the web: $60
  • Mileage for a reporter to cover an event in southeast Arkansas: $120
  • One month of emailing service to send the aSpire newsletter to more than 3,200 readers: $130
  • Photograph an ordination: $300
  • Produce one professional-quality video: $500
  • Respond to a widespread emergency (like a pandemic!) with accurate news and needed information: We don’t know the exact cost, but we’re working to stay ready.

Making a difference

Thanks to Guardian Angels, Arkansas Catholic was able to respond quickly when COVID-19 hit and greatly expanded online and virtual support for the faith of Catholics across the state. 

Even before that, it’s been possible to ensure that engaging, faith-filled content is easy to find — for all ages. That includes posting on five social media platforms and work like:

  • Developing a video to show online and in parishes helps explain the diocese’s One Church initiative.
  • The number of sessions and users reading the Arkansas Catholic website has more than doubled since 2011, attracting thousands of viewers every month from across the state and even around the world.
  • Launching a digital edition of the newspaper — and making it free to everyone in 2019 — more than quadrupled the number of subscribers who get their complete newspaper online and have searchable access to archives back to 2002.
  • A free e-mail newsletter, aSpire, now reaches more than 3,200 subscribers.

None of this is cheap or easy, but it makes a difference! And there is far more that needs to be done.

How can I help?

First, please pray for Arkansas Catholic staff and the success of projects funded through the Guardian Angels. Then, search your heart and your budget to determine how much you can give. Any gift is helpful to our mission of keeping communication channels open and young adults engaged with the Church.

You can give online using a credit card or electronic check through our secure donation page. Or, click for a PDF response form you can print and mail to us with your contribution.

Arkansas Catholic announces new and renewing members in the newspaper, with our thanks.

Convenient and sustainable

A Guardian Angels sustaining membership is a monthly gift that is convenient, ongoing and secure. Sustaining members are crucial to providing an ongoing base of support that we can rely on, to make longer-term plans and budget our spending more efficiently. 

  • Angel (base membership): Those who make a one-time gift of at least $60 annually, or an ongoing gift of $5 a month
  • Archangel (supporter): Those who make a one-time gift of at least $120 annually, or an ongoing gift of $10 a month
  • Cherubim (partner): Those who make a one-time gift of at least $240 annually, or an ongoing gift of $20 a month
  • Evangelist (patron): Those who make a one-time gift of at least $480 annually, or an ongoing gift of $40 a month

A success story

Since 2010, every page in every archive volume from 1911 through 2001 has been protected from the ravages of time, digitally scanned and processed and posted online, freely available to inspire new Catholic generations.

Hundreds of Guardian Angels joined during preparations for Arkansas Catholic’s centennial year to support scanning 90 years of newspapers into a digital format that will never fade, crumble or be lost to fire or natural disaster. The archive pages bear witness to the Catholic faith in Arkansas in a way that no hindsight retelling could match.

Browse or search these digitized newspapers by clicking this archive link.

How to adopt a year

By “adopting” a year that includes a date important to you, your family or parish, you cover the cost of preserving that special time period. Honor a birth or wedding date, an ordination anniversary or the year your parish or school was founded with a donation to preserve that year. The cost of “adoption” depends on the age, condition and number of pages in the year. 

1911 to 1928 (except 1921): $1,800 per volume

1929 to 2001 (except 1945, 1959, 1962, 1964): $500 per year 

Click for a response form (in PDF format) you can mail to us with your donation and acknowledgement instructions.

Special years

These years of The Guardian have been “adopted” for preservation through the Guardian Angels campaign.

  • 1921: In memory of Lil Buford, remembering the year of her birth.
  • 1945: In memory of Lil Buford, remembering the year of her marriage.
  • 1959: Sponsored by Martha Walsh
  • 1962: Sponsored by Delores Hartman
  • 1964: Sponsored by The Cashman Family

To adopt a year that’s important to you, your parish or a loved one, email editor Malea Hargett or write to Arkansas Catholic Guardian Angels, P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock AR  72217.

For more information

If you have questions or comments about the Guardian Angels campaign, you can contact editor Malea Hargett or call (501) 664-0125 during business hours.

You may also write to Arkansas Catholic Guardian Angels, P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock AR 72217.