With God at the center, tension in life eases

I have never been happier, but it did not come without hardship. Academic, social and spiritual struggles were always plentiful. I first tried to tackle them by myself but remembered how poor of a strategy that is. I quickly…

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In periods of waiting, learn to trust in God

Alabama football game.  

While the morning cold and then afternoon heat during 10 hours of waiting for the game to begin were not the best, there were some really fun sides to the waiting: I got to bond with some girls that…

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God brings peace to last year of high school

Going back to school also meant that I could see my friends and get back into a normal daily routine.

Going back to school had its downsides though. The first of which would be that I still need to decide what…

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Active faith can balance an imbalanced life

For a long time, it felt as though school and social media came first; I was spending all of my time studying or online. This imbalance negatively affected my life and made me feel very unhappy and unsatisfied with myself. …

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In the face of suffering, choose to be joyful

, that my perspective changed. That weekend, I was introduced to two women who, while facing death, managed to praise God through their actions.  

Blessed Chiara Luce Badano demonstrated her love for God through her acts of kindness. Growing up,…

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Messy lives of saints can help us grow in faith

Since my confirmation in May 2018, I have frequently prayed to the saints on the issues of everyday life. For instance, when dealing with issues that require courage, I commonly pray to St. Michael the Archangel, asking him to give…

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God created us to lean on him, community

I still say or have said the following to myself: “I got myself into this situation, I can get myself out of it. My other peers would be smart enough to figure this out alone, so I should, too. if…

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Learning to thank God for being enough

But if we trust in God’s plan and know that we are enough no matter our circumstances, what power does anxiety hold over us? 

As a high school senior, I get asked a myriad of questions. Questions about what college I will…

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Quiet after Communion can settle heart

I worry that if I do not spend enough time with my friends, they will think I don’t like them or if I neglect my time with my family, they might be sad or worry about me.  

I want to do the…

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