Approach God ready for new directions

All this is a way of saying, “We’re ready. Bring it on!”

Believe it or not, it’s that same attitude and disposition of readiness that we disciples are to have. Every day, our readiness to say yes to God puts us…

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Justice is a gift and a challenge

We are told in Exodus 3:7-10 that God witnesses the affliction of the slaves, hears their cries, knows well what they suffer and comes down to rescue and to lead them. But notice this: God chooses to work in and through…

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Become God’s people of peace

(Psalms 122:6-8)

While abundance and well-being is a sign of God’s peace, this peace cannot exist without attention to living in right relationship with God and others, especially the poor. (Psalms 85:11-14) Israel’s prophets repeatedly pair God’s peace with such righteousness (as…

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Pray with perseverance and persistence

When Jesus was teaching his followers about prayer, he shared a parable about a man who went at midnight to ask a neighbor for three loaves of bread to share with a weary traveler. (Luke 11:5-8) Naturally, the neighbor calls out…

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Choose the simple route of singular devotion

Occasionally this ability to do many things at once is necessary, but sometimes it is simply a reaction to perceived pressure. Whatever the case, it is seldom truly effective. In fact, recent research indicates that doing many tasks at once,…

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Learning to listen as God listens

He’s distracted by his own issues, or mentally planning a date night or bantering with his show’s producer.

How often have we been in a conversation only to discover we have not really been listening? Or heard a homily that by the…

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Nurture an Awareness of God’s Presence

In his fitful sleep, Jacob received God’s promise of land, heirs and protection. When he awoke, Jacob marveled, “Truly, the Lord is in this place and I did not know it!” (28:16). The words of Jacob could easily be our…

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Take on the same attitude as Christ Jesus

” He wasn’t happy about it, but he went straight to his room and in just a few minutes he came out ready to get back to his toys and be in the company of his family.

Thomas’ time in his room…

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