
Mary Engledowl: A heart for children

Mary Engeldowl

When Mary Engledowl, 26, heard Matthew Kelley, author and speaker, challenge Catholics to become more engaged in their faith, she listened.

“It inspired me to become a more engaged Catholic so I can grow closer to Christ and live out my purpose,” she explained.

Engledowl is intentional in her life’s mission. Currently she attends the University of Arkansas where she plans to graduate in 2019 with her master’s degree in teaching and pursue her dream job of teaching in a gifted and talented program. In addition to being a full-time student, she works in the bookstore on occasion and part-time as an assistant bookkeeper at her home parish of St. Raphael Church in Springdale.

Her love of teaching and children blossomed at St. Raphael where she worked as the lead pre-kindegarten teacher for four years and an after-school aide for three years. She also worked in the after-school program at Christ the King Parish in Fort Smith for one year.

Being that beacon of hope to others, both children and adults, is a desire of Engledowl.

“I know I struggle to do the will of God in my life, but firmly believe if I continue to pursue a relationship with him and love him whole-heartedly then, good things will come out of that,” she said. 


• What is your hidden talent? 

“I have a knack for quoting movies in everyday conversations. The problem is I don’t always remember what movie the quote is from.”

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