
Jennifer Marie Chavez: Following God’s will

Jennifer Marie Chavez

Jennifer Marie Chavez, youth leader and Bible class coordinator, has followed the holy example of her parents. A member of St. Barbara Church in De Queen all her life, Chavez has helped build the youth group from three teens at first to 75 youths now.

Chavez considers it an honor to serve her church.

“It’s amazing how God has a purpose for each one of us,” she said. “As I keep learning more about our Lord, I’m inspired even more to do what he wants me to do; to be an instrument of his word and spread the message and the unconditional love he has for us.”

Chavez said she loves to be with young people.

“They are the future members and leaders of our church and community. I enjoy sharing what I have learned. I feel a joy inside of me that I love to pass on to them.”

She said she tells the youths, “stop worrying about fitting in and following the crowd. God created you in his image and likeness and you are born already unique and beautiful; already with a special purpose in which God will lead you little by little.”

Chavez, 18, who is a senior at De Queen High School, also serves as a confirmation class assistant and as a member of the church choir. She said of the choir, “I can sing my heart out to Jesus.” 

Chavez also appreciates the priests, sisters and seminarians who have inspired her. She said of her church, “As I walk into the church, I not only feel a joy inside of me that is filled with the Spirit, but I feel a peace like no other; a peace God spreads to his sons and daughters.”


• What Scripture verse relates most to your life? Why?

“1 Timothy 4:12: ‘Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.’ Teens can make something new each day and can change the world little by little. All you need is God. He works in so many ways. All honor and glory to Christ our King.” 

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