
From the beginning to the end

If reading the Bible in chronological order speaks to you, Cackie Upchurch, director of Little Rock Scripture Study, suggest reading these chapters in order to grasp "somewhat" of how events in the Old Testament and New Testament transpired.

“For most books, you start at the beginning. … It ignores the fact that the Bible is not arranged chronologically or a clear and simple sequence,” Upchurch said.

Old Testament

  • Genesis 1-2:  Creation account
  • Wisdom 7-9: God’s wisdom
  • Genesis 3: The first sin
  • Genesis 6-9:  The flood
  • Genesis 17-18: God’s covenant with Abraham
  • Genesis 37, 42-45: Joseph and his brothers
  • Exodus 2-4: Birth and call of Moses
  • Exodus 12-14: Moses and Pharaoh
  • Exodus 19-20 and Deuteronomy 4-8: God’s covenant at Sinai
  • Judges 13-16: Samson
  • 1 Samuel 17: David and Goliath
  • 2 Samuel 6-7: God’s covenant with David
  • 2 Samuel 11-13 and Psalm 51 and 139: David’s sin and repentance
  • 2 Chronicles 1-3: Reign of King Solomon
  • 2 Chronicles 34-36: King Josiah to fall of Jerusalem
  • Micah 1-3: Divided kingdom and their sins
  • Isaiah 11-12: God’s promises to restore Israel

New Testament

  • Luke 1-2 and Matthew 1-2: Birth and childhood of Jesus
  • Matthew 5-7: Jesus’ teachings (Sermon on the Mount)
  • Luke 15-16: Jesus’ parables
  • Mark 14-15: The crucifixion of Jesus
  • John 20: The resurrection of Jeuss
  • Acts 1-2: Jesus’ followers in Jerusalem
  • Acts 9: Call of Saul (Paul)
  • 1 Corinthians 12-14: Christian community
  • Galatians 1-3: Faith and the law
  • James: Christian living
  • Revelation 21-22: New heaven and new earth


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