
Enrollment, testing scores for Catholic Schools in state


Schools: 27

Total enrollment: 6,776

Elementary enrollment: 4,774

Secondary enrollment: 2,002

Percentage of Catholic students: 78.5

Total enrollment in preschools: 716


Race and ethnicity

Percentage of white students:  88.4

Percentage of Asian students: 4.3

Percentage of black students: 1.7

Percentage of multi-racial students: 4.1

Percentage of Hispanic students: 11.3*

The remaining students are Native American, from the Pacific island region or unknown.

*Hispanic is not considered a race but an ethnic group. 



Total professional staff: 651

Percentage of staff who are laypeople: 97.6

Percentage of staff who are Catholic: 79.4



Average annual cost of educating one child in elementary school: $5,618

Average annual cost of educating one child in secondary school, not including Subiaco Academy, a boarding school: $8,521

Average tuition rate for elementary first Catholic child is $3,592. For a non-Catholic first child, the rate is $4,897

Average tuition rate for secondary Catholic is $4,737 and non-Catholic is $5,804. (This does include Subiaco Academy day students.)



Stanford 10 achievement scores from spring 2015 show the total battery scores, which includes all academic subjects, for K-8 Arkansas Catholic schools. The average score for the Stanford 10 is 50th percentile. Any score above 50 percentile is above average.

First grade: 62

Second grade: 64

Third grade: 62

Fourth grade: 69

Fifth grade: 71

Sixth grade: 70

Seventh grade: 68

Eighth grade: 67

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