
Schools welcome opportunities to work with parents

Vernell Bowen

A partnership between parents and the school, especially the teachers, is crucial in ensuring that a child has the best opportunity to enjoy the school experience and learn effectively.

In fact, the Church’s vision of the parent’s role in educating their child/children is put forth in the following passage from the Declaration on Christian Education from Vatican Council II. “Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring. Hence, parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children. While belonging primarily to the family, the task of imparting education requires the help of society as a whole. As for Catholic parents, the Council calls to mind their duty to entrust their children to Catholic schools, when and where this is possible, to support such schools to the extent of their ability, and to work along with them for the welfare of their children.”

There are many ways in which parents and schools can work as partners in many areas of school life. Effective partnerships for the education of children entrusted to Catholic schools are based on a mutual respect between parents and all members of the Catholic system. These partnerships acknowledge the respective roles and responsibilities of each of the participants involved.

When parents enroll their children in a Catholic school they have certain expectations of the school, its teachers and administrators. The school also has expectations of parents. Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, CSN, JD, PhD., in her book published by NCEA in 2003, titled “Home and School Working Together: The Rights and Responsibilities of Catholic School Parents,” outlines these expectations.

Parental rights:

  • To have your children’s safety be a priority
  • To have your children receive an academically sound education in a Catholic environment
  • To have your children taught by competent teachers who respect and care for them
  • To participate in the life of the school

Parental responsibilities:

  • To be a partner with the school in the education of your children
  • To understand and support the religious nature of the school
  • To read all communications from the school
  • To discuss concerns and problems with the appropriate personnel
  • To be as actively involved as you can in the life of the school and to volunteer assistance when possible
  • To promote your school and to speak well of others
  • To meet your financial obligations in a timely manner and to support fundraising

One of the most important things Catholic parents can do in partnership with the school for faith development of their child is to attend school and parish liturgies and Masses. Attending school Masses during the week does not substitute for the obligation of attending Mass on Sundays. Parents should also be developing a prayer life at home, discussing religious learning activities and social justice initiatives.

As Catholic schools begin a new school year, we look forward to the partnership we build with the parents of our students and the contributions you bring with your knowledge and skills at all levels in supporting the school’s goals and promoting the principles of Catholic education.

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