The following statistics are from Catholic schools in Arkansas for the 2013-2014 school year.


  • Schools: 28 (Located in 18 cities)
  • Total enrollment: 6,790 (down 2 percent from 2012-2013)
  • Elementary enrollment: 4,837
  • Secondary enrollment: 1,953
  • Total enrollment in preschools: 619

Catholicism and race

  • Percentage of Catholic students: 79.2
  • Percentage of non-Catholic students: 20.8
  • Percentage of white students: 87.8
  • Percentage of Hispanic students: 11.35
  • Percentage of Asian students: 3.67
  • Percentage of black students: 2.18
  • Percentage of two or more races: 2.99
  • Remaining students are Native American, from the Pacific island region or unknown.


  • Total professional staff: 649
  • Percentage of staff who are laypeople: 97
  • Percentage of staff who are Catholic: 76.9
  • Percentage of staff who are non-Catholic: 23.1


  • Average annual cost of educating one child in elementary school: $6,059
  • Average annual cost of educating one child in secondary school: $7,680
  • Range of tuition in elementary schools: $3,320 for Catholics to $4,661 for non-Catholics
  • Range of tuition in secondary schools: $5,264 for Catholics to $5,955 for non-Catholics (This does not include Subiaco Academy, a boarding school.)

For more information

To learn more about Catholic schools in the Diocese of Little Rock, contact:

Vernell Bowen, Superintendent

Catholic Schools Office

Diocese of Little Rock

P.O. Box 7565

Little Rock AR  72217-7565



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