
Little Rock:
Catholic High School

Michael Franzetti, valedictorian

The Catholic High School graduation was held May 25 in the school gym with Hugh Trent Bullard serving as the master of ceremonies. The graduation speakers were seniors Tom Hudson Simmermaker and Logan Andrew Wewers.
The valedictorian was Michael Bradley Franzetti. The salutatorian was Kyle Stephan Roush, son of Deb and Terry Roush. Roush plans to major in pre-medicine at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.
The other graduates are:
Jonathan Kamis Alley
Ryan John Anderson
Nicholas A. Austin
Michael Anthony Baltz
Jack Cameron Bilger

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Conner John Bishop
Ben W. Blanchat
Paul Monroe Bonney
Alexander Porter Boyd
Chris Stephen Bridges
Sam H. Brown
Will I. Brown
Hugh Trent Bullard
Matthew Loyd Bultena
Dylan M Burgess
Robert Haynes Burnside
Timothy Andrew Byrne
Craig Dobbs Campbell
Tristan P. Caple
Nigel Kalomo Cardriche
Hayden Grey Carman
Christopher Roland Clark
William Reid Clark
John Patrick Coleman
Kyle Eldon Coney
Zachary Madison Conque
Alexander Bryant Cranford
Walker Glenn Crank
Stephen Cole Creasy
Daniel Paul Creel
Michael Patrick Crew
Miller Tomlinson Crosby
Kurt Russel Curley
Jack Charles Dahlstrom
Matthew Ryan Damrow
Parker B. Davidson
William Ryan Dearing
Christian Anthony DeSalvo
Michael Joseph DeSalvo
David Campbell Dickson
Andrew Alan Dobbins
David J. Dobry
Alan Michael Doerpinghaus
Ryan Charles Donahue
Fernando A Dulanto
Caleb Juwan-henry Ebanks
Clay Durning Etheridge
German Martin Farr De Ferrari
Ben Glenn Faubion
James Robert Feazell
Thomas Lee Fox
Warren F. Franzetti
Joseph Scott Friend
Jackson Gammill
Will G. Garner
Phillip James Gaston
Clayton Sullivan Getchell
Matthew D. Gilliam
Connor Wood Gilmore
Andrew Sokora Griffin
Patrick Cleburne Gurley
Jayce Eric Gustafson
Duy Anh Ha
Dylan S. Hailey
Will A. Hairston
Alexander P. Halloran
Aaron Michael Handloser
John Britt Hanson
Alex M. Harb
Jacob David Harper
Jacob Brandon Harter
Jordan William Hartnedy
Colin Joseph Hayes
Nicholas James Heaps
Allen Alberto Hernandez
Ivan Hernandez
Chris Michael Hill
Michael Paul Hoge
Richard Weston Holloway
Charles Honeysuckle
Joseph Alan Hunt
Dylan Harris Hursley
Evan Thieson Hursley
Hunter Lynn Jarry
Darby Christian Johnson
Thomas B. Jones
Paul T. Kanatzar
Michael Ross Kepesky
Gregory Weldon Kitterman
Matthew Brian Koesy
Baron John Kready
Max John Lester
Gray Sexton Lewis
Chase Allen Litwa
Scott Martin Luneau
Stephen Leonard Madey
Harrison Rocco Mara
Griffin Llewellyn Marczuk
Jesse Cole Martin
Tyler Phillip Massery
Morgan Gentry May
Allen Jamaal Mays
John Paul McKay
Mason Jeffery McKay
Richard B. Miller
Mitchell Taylor Moore
Thomas C. Moore
Matt Waring Morris
Tyler Wayne Newson
Adam Edward Nick
Nick Grayson Nolan
Anthony W. Nordman
Brendon Michael Norris
Jacob Ryan North
James Richard Oliver
Clayton Alexander Pearson
Jason T. Petrey
Samuel Henry Piazza
Connor Patrick Polston
William Drew Price
Adams E. Pryor
Tyler James Ramsey
John William Reif
Zachary Michael Reiners
Wallace Bobby Richardson
Charles Ross Richesin
Spencer Tod Richie
Charles J. Rickels
Ben Andrew Riley
Michael Patrick Roberson
Mike Rollins Roberts
Christopher Francis Schwark
Scott David Scruggs
Tom Hudson Simmermaker
Adam Joseph Simon
Nick James Simpson
Hunter Frederic Smith
Luke Duncan Smith
Michael Robert Smith
Christopher Adam Stinson
Joshua Caleb Sunwall
Michael Alan Sutton
Steven Earl Swaffar
Jordan Noel Temple
Richard Louis Tenison
Quinta O’dell Thomas
Kyle Patrick Thompson
Robert Andrew Thompson
Ryan Alexander Thompson
Connor William Tieperman
Cody James Timmermann
James Hayden Tursky
Colin Rush Walker
Tollie Taylor Wallace
Robert Wardlaw
Joel Daniel Weigle
Logan Andrew Wewers
Trevor Logan Whitaker
Jacob Ian Wickliffe
Jarod Ryan Wickliffe
Matthew Stuart Williams
Tristan Chase Winston
Michael Brian Wise
A.J. Worn
Patrick Wren
Lawson Patrick Wright
Andrew Peyton Zimmerman

Michael Bradley Franzetti, 18, of Christ the King Church in Little Rock
Parents: Chris and Leanne Franzetti
College and major: University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, majoring in biology
Scholarships: Chancellor’s Scholarship, Arkansas Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship
Goal after college: Go through medical school and eventually become a cardiologist
What was the best aspect of attending Catholic High? The discipline and brotherhood obtained through rigorous academics, strict teachers, uniform codes and, best of all, no air conditioning or girls
What will you miss the most about Catholic High? The Catholic High brotherhood
High school honors and awards: Commanding officer of Marine Corps JROTC unit at CHS, Marine Corps Youth Physical Fitness National Champion, President’s Volunteer Service Award, Most Outstanding Student at Military Order of the World Wars Youth Leadership Conference in Huntsville, Ala.

Click here to see the index of stories in Arkansas Catholic’s Graduation 2012 special section.

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