When Jesus was arrested, Peter took action. In a show of force, he drew his sword and cut off the high priest’s slave’s ear. Instead of instructing his other disciples to do the same, Jesus rebuked Peter: “Put your sword into its…
« read »The U.S. bishops’ Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs conducted a survey of dioceses and archdioceses in the country’s 14 episcopal regions and released its results Aug. 21. The survey shows how Hispanic ministry has taken off across the country and that in most…
« read »Bishops: Those knowingly rejecting doctrine should refrain from Communion…
« read »U.S. bishops say Pfizer, Moderna vaccines morally acceptable…
« read »Document called ‘guide for formation of consciences’ for Catholic voters…
« read »U.S. bishops declare national call-in day to urge Congress to save DACA…
« read »Arkansas leaders set to attend invitation-only Catholic convocation…
« read »S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the head of the Catholic Relief Services board.
“A concern for our Christian brethren is inclusive and does not exclude a concern for all the peoples of the region who suffer violence and persecution, both…
« read »Report commissioned by bishops finds diversity abounds in U.S. church…
« read »United States Conference of Catholic Bishops releases a Pilgrimage Prayer Guide…
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