He was late and she didn’t even know what he looked like. Prepared for the worst, she brought her friends to be…
« read »ROGERS — As part of the Lenten activities at St Vincent de Paul Church, Father Shaun Wesley gathers parishioners together each Tuesday…
« read »After Elizabeth Kennedy and Justin Gil of Spokane, Wash., completed a marriage preparation course at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Spokane, they…
« read »He was late and she didn’t even know what he looked like. Prepared for the worst, she brought her friends to be…
« read »Father Shaun Wesley discusses the "theology of the body" every Tuesday evening at a Rogers restaurant for an audience ranging from young…
« read »Engaged couples use a FOCCUS questionnaire to compare their attitudes and expectations about marriage. Not a test, it’s a tool to find…
« read »Hector Divino and Jennifer Montesa look forward to spending their honeymoon on a medical mission in Zambales after a traditional church wedding…
« read »Por Malea Hargett Editora Arkansas Catholic El Año de la Eucaristía concluirá en la Diócesis de Little Rock con un Congreso Eucarístico…
« read »Por Malea Hargett Editora Arkansas Catholic El Año de la Eucaristía concluirá en la Diócesis de Little Rock con un Congreso Eucarístico…
« read »El Papa Juan Pablo II designó el Año de la Eucaristía, el cual comenzó en octubre de 2004, con la esperanza de…
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