Bishop Anthony Basil Taylor was ordained and installed as the seventh bishop for the Diocese of Little Rock on June 5, 2008.
At the end of the closing Mass of our diocesan Encuentro Hispano this past Saturday, there was a Eucharistic procession through the…
« read »At the end of the closing Mass of our diocesan Encuentro Hispano this past Saturday, there was a Eucharistic procession through the…
« read »Passing through the crowd, I was struck by the reverence and attention of young and old alike.
At one point along the…
Más o menos cada año cuando vamos al doctor a nuestro chequeo anual, él o ella invariablemente nos hace algunas preguntas, especialmente…
« read »Más o menos cada año cuando vamos al doctor a nuestro chequeo anual, él o ella invariablemente nos hace algunas preguntas, especialmente…
« read »"¿Haz estado haciendo ejercicio?" Me hice miembro de un gimnasio después de Navidad.
"Muy bien, ¿pero haz estado haciendo ejercicio?"
Creíamos que por…
One of my family’s claims to fame is that my sister, Sally, once appeared on “Jeopardy.” As evidence, Levalor blinds hang in…
« read »One of my family’s claims to fame is that my sister, Sally, once appeared on “Jeopardy.” As evidence, Levalor blinds hang in…
« read »One night a few months ago, I watched a re-run of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire. " I won a million…
« read »A local radio station recently asked if I would agree to an interview regarding the state of the Holy Father’s health and…
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