After layoff, it’s time to make something happen

Dear Dave,My husband lost his job four months ago, and we’re close to losing our home. I’m working three jobs trying to keep our heads above water, while he’s “waiting for the right opportunity.” I understand his feelings, but at the same…

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Your mother has the right heart but her actions are wrong

Dear Dave, I’m beginning to feel some bitterness and resentment toward my parents for their recent decisions and financial irresponsibility. Fifteen years ago, while I was still in school, they left good-paying jobs to enter the ministry. They both took pay cuts when…

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Financial disagreements: To be unclear is to be unkind

Dear Dave, I have a roommate, and we’ve shared the same two-bedroom apartment for about three years. During that time, we’ve always had an agreement that we would split the bills 50-50. But for the last several months, he’s been very late paying…

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