How your donations to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal are used will be on display in a video shown at all Masses Feb. 1-2.
The 2025 diocesan appeal will kick off with a recorded video homily by Bishop Anthony B. Taylor. Parishes without video capabilities can play the audio version, but parishioners can watch the video on their own at
“I wanted it to come alive for people so they can actually see what their donations are used for,” diocesan development director Kelly Wewers said. “There are so many good things happening that would not be possible if people didn’t give to CASA.”
This year’s theme is “Living faith, changing lives.” During Mass, parishioners can fill out a pledge envelope or make a one-time gift. Online giving is available at
“If we are not aligned with the Kingdom of God now in the way we live our life now, how do we expect to share in the life of the Kingdom of God in the world to come?” the bishop asks in his homily. “If we aren’t making sacrifices to make the world a better place now, whose kingdom are we building with our efforts? Our own, or the Lord’s?”
The goal was set again for $2 million to support a variety of diocesan, parish and school ministries. In 2024, $2,138,923 was raised.
“I want people to understand what a difference it makes. If they read Arkansas Catholic, they will see what their money is doing. If you stay connected as a diocese — follow the diocese on social media, follow your parish on social media — you can see God working in our midst and know you are contributing to that.”
Bishop Tayor has recommended Catholics donate 10 percent of their gross income — 5 percent to their parish, 4 percent to other charities or more to their parish and 1 percent to the diocesan appeal.
“If you don’t think you can give 1 percent, please give what you can. Everyone should feel like they can help do God’s work in our diocese because every little bit makes a difference. If every Catholic gave $20, that would be amazing,” Wewers said.
Donations from CASA 2024 are being used this year to support these programs and ministries:
- Parish and mission support, $120,000: Helps offset salaries and benefits for one priest, a permanent deacon and 10 religious sisters serving in mission churches.
- Youth and campus ministry, $230,000: Helps support diocesan youth ministry activities and Catholic campus ministry at eight locations around the state.
- Grants to Catholic schools, $100,000: Grants are distributed to schools for needs-based scholarships, educational materials and building maintenance.
- Grants to faith formation and youth programs, $100,000: The Faith Formation and Catholic Youth Ministry offices administer grants to parish religious education, faith formation programs and parish youth ministry.
- Diocesan ministries, $600,000: Helps support all the ministries and personnel at the diocesan offices.
- Seminarian expenses, $75,000: Helps pay the seminary tuition and living expenses for 22 seminarians.
- Catholic Charities of Arkansas, $100,000: Provides help and hope to people who are poor and vulnerable. Services include immigration legal assistance, refugee resettlement and prison ministry.
- Respect Life Office, $50,000: This ministry organizes the annual Mass for Life, provides resources for Respect Life Month and offers pastoral services through Project Rachel, the diocesan post-abortion healing ministry.
- St. John Center maintenance and renovation, $475,000: The main campus for the Diocese of Little Rock includes space for the diocesan offices and ministries, a meeting center with overnight facilities for Catholic groups, a dining hall and St. John Manor with accommodations for senior priests.
To donate, mail your gift to Diocese of Little Rock, Stewardship and Development Office, P.O. Box 7565
Little Rock, AR 72217-7565, or visit
For more information, contact Wewers at or (501) 664-0340.