The next Parish Catechist Formation Days will be held Jan. 18 at Holy Redeemer Church in El Dorado and Feb. 15 at St. John Newman University Parish in Jonesboro. The deadline for the El Dorado event is Dec. 30, while the Jonesboro event deadline is Jan. 31. The events will focus on the new translation of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, which goes into effect on Ash Wednesday. The training in English and Spanish is open to catechists, youth ministers, RCIA coordinators and other parish faith formation leaders. The cost is $15 a person to help cover lunch and speaker stipends. Register in advance at The day begins at 8 a.m. and concludes with Mass in the afternoon. For more information, contact Jasmine Hogan at (501) 664-0340 or
Arkansas Catholic Staff
December 3, 2024 No Comments