Sister Mary Petra Masek, OCD, blows a kiss and waves to family after renewing her vows Oct. 5 at the Carmelite Monastery in Little Rock. (Katie Zakrzewski)

Jubilee celebration

Sister Mary Petra Masek, OCD, of the Carmel of St. Teresa in Little Rock, celebrated 60 years as a nun during a Mass Oct. 5. Sister Petra professed her vows Oct. 7, 1964, at a Carmel in southern California. In 1998, she transferred to Little Rock. 

The Jubilee Mass was concelebrated by chaplain Msgr. Lawrence Frederick and Father Martin Yslas, OSB, of St. Andrew Abbey in Valyermo, Calif. 

“The firm conviction of being loved by God is at the center of your vocation: To be for others a tangible sign of the presence of God’s kingdom, a foretaste of the eternal joys of heaven,” Msgr. Frederick said, quoting Pope Francis during his homily. “… This is what God implanted in Sister Petra to make her profession 60 years ago. … God is always guiding. He is always there protecting us and helping us go the way he would like us to go. … In this day and age, making a commitment is not a thing to do. So Sister Petra is an example of people who can make a commitment and give themselves to something — to God. … Any jubilee celebration is about God.”

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