Wave of Light

Holy Sews, a ministry founded at Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock, will host the 11th annual Arkansas Wave of Light ceremony for those in the community who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss from 6:30-7:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 15 at the State Capitol steps in Little Rock. The remembrance will feature a memorial service with a reading by Craig O’Neill, a digital memorial wall and keepsakes. As the spotlight illuminates the Little Rock skies at 7 p.m., thousands of people around the globe will commemorate the memory of all children gone too soon. The continuous chain of light encompasses and spans across the world for 24 hours. If you would like your baby’s name illuminated on the Capitol steps, send your information to treasured@arkansaswaveoflight.com. For more information, email info@holysews.org

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