Name: Nita Moix
Age: 64
Parish: St. Vincent de Paul Church
City: Rogers
Family: Husband of 37 years, Ed; four sons; eight grandchildren
Why you want to know Nita: In addition to being involved in her parish and as a substitute teacher at St. Vincent de Paul School, Moix is the new lay coordinator for the English Cursillo program for the Diocese of Little Rock. Following the retirement of longtime lay coordinator Nancy Christian, Moix began her three-year term in June.
What feeds you spiritually?
Definitely the Eucharist and going to Mass. I try to go to daily Mass when I can, as often as I can. Just being around others and sharing my Catholic faith is what I really enjoy doing, and volunteering in roles that will do that through the Church. … Quiet prayer every day is another — I have just completed the Ignatian spiritual exercises, so that is another huge way that I’ve been fed spiritually and continue those prayer practices. I also try to see a spiritual director often.
What is it that you love about your parish and school in particular?
I love that our parish has three seminarians right now. … So I’m happy about that. …We have a huge Hispanic community, and I have learned so much from their culture and their love of Jesus. And it’s just beautiful to see how two of our cultures — we also have Vietnamese and others — but especially the Hispanic community, how we do so many things together and work together for the beauty of our Catholic faith and learn from them.
How did you get involved in the Cursillo movement?
It’s been 25 years since I made my Cursillo weekend. In years after that, I was a team member for Cursillo when other women would come to the retreat. That sparked in me way back then how important it was — all I learned and all I experienced over that weekend made me realize how important God needs to be in my everyday life, wherever I am, whatever I’m doing in, with everyday people. That’s what Cursillo does. It teaches you to be fully Catholic by being fully Christian. That really stuck with me about how I live.
How did you become the English lay coordinator for Cursillo?
English Cursillo has recently been revived. For about seven or eight years, Cursillo weekends were non-existent. For the last two or three years, it’s been being revived, and Nancy Christian had been the lay coordinator. I was asked to be on one of the first teams coming back. We had our first Women’s Cursillo and Men’s Cursillo at the beginning of this year. I was asked to be on a team because I had been on teams before and had even been rector, which is the leader for the weekend…. Nancy had done it for a long time, and she put in a lot of years for it….
I was asked by several different people, and one thing that comes to my mind, which is a Cursillo saying — sometimes God doesn’t call the qualified; he qualifies the called….
But I do what I love. I know that Cursillo affected me, and if I can be a part of that affecting others in such a positive spiritual way, that’s what I would want to do. And I felt like God was calling the timing, and everything was right.
–Katie Zakrzewski