A mountaintop experience

Our family attended the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis last month. This was a mountaintop experience for us. The energy there was incredible, and frankly, supernatural. Jesus was present, and he is king!

One of the highlights was seeing so many religious sisters; we were so busy talking to them that I neglected to get pictures of my children with them! We were able to visit with so many sisters from so many orders, with varying charisms. And they were all so joyful!

Also, my children will tell you that practically everywhere they turned, there was another priest, many of them young, and all of them on fire for the Lord and the faith.

These priests and sisters demonstrated the beauty of religious life in a way that was inspiring and formative, especially for the youth who attended. I feel confident that a fruit of this Congress will be an increase in religious vocations.

Finally, the experience of seeing so many Catholics (50,000+) in one place, reverently adoring our Lord, was incredible. We were able to connect with laity/families from across the country, sharing our love for Jesus in the Eucharist.

Viva Cristo Rey!

Jill Rogers

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