This is the time of year that I start thinking about all the seniors who will soon be graduating from high school.
For the last 17 or 18 years of their lives, they have counted on their parents or guardians to hold their hands as they began pre-k. Then they continue their journey being led and guided by their parents through elementary school, and then through middle school.
In high school their independence begins to grow, and their responsibilities change. But senior year is different. They must make decisions on what they want to do following graduation. Some students have chosen to go to college. Others chose to go to a vocational school. Others may have chosen to enter the workforce, or the armed forces. There may even be some seniors who have not decided what is the next step for them yet.
In the next couple of months of school, seniors are excited about graduation and the festivities that go along with their senior year. They become more sentimental and nostalgic. There are many last activities of high school.
They share stories with their families and friends that begin with the words “Remember when…” Sharing things that might have happened that are so vivid in their memories. But these same students may also be a little nervous and become somewhat afraid about what lies ahead of them. Decisions that they must make without the guidance of their loved ones might be more difficult for them.
These seniors might feel a little like the disciples did when they were out at sea and the storm blew in causing the waves to crash upon the boat. The disciples were afraid and confused about what actions to take.
In this Scripture, Jesus walks on the water and comes near the boat and says to the disciples, “It is I. Do not be afraid,” (John 6:20). In this passage, Jesus teaches that no matter what type of “storm” we encounter in our lives, that he is there with us to guide and help us.
Seniors are not the only people who become frightened. This Scripture should relate to all of us. May we reflect on knowing that no matter what we are faced with or what “storm” we encounter, God is right there beside us — to lead us and guide us if we just let him.
May our graduating seniors complete the last few weeks of school, making wonderful memories with their classmates. But most importantly, may they know and feel God’s presence with them on their next journey.