Today — besides being the feast of Mary the Mother of God — is also the World Day of Prayer for Peace started by Pope Paul VI in 1967.
Peace is like love: we recognize it, but it is difficult to describe it. Love is calm, free, just and good, just like we see in the life of Mary. Love is often accompanied by good feelings, but it can exist even amid misunderstandings because love is a commitment to work for the good of the other person, and is, therefore, a commitment that goes way beyond mere feelings and can even include some tense moments.
For instance, when children misbehave and love obligates us to discipline them for their own good, even though they won't much like it at the time. But love cannot exist where there is lack of respect, justice or good will. And you can't force love.
“As we begin this New Year at a time when war is raging in the Middle East and Ukraine and in countless other places, we gather on this feast of the Blessed Mother to pray for peace. For true peace, not merely the absence of war.”