Knights support the novena for life in five parishes

Pro-life activists pray with rosaries as clients arrive at the Bread and Roses Woman's Health Center, a clinic that provides abortions in Clearwater, Fla., Feb. 11, 2023.
Pro-life activists pray with rosaries as clients arrive at the Bread and Roses Woman's Health Center, a clinic that provides abortions in Clearwater, Fla., Feb. 11, 2023.

The Knights of Columbus in Arkansas are leading a novena for nine days on YouTube leading up the diocese’s Mass for Life in Little Rock.

Beginning Jan. 12 through Jan. 20, members and other faithful are invited to pray and take action to end abortion. Knights from across the state will lead prayer, give a short video reflection and suggest actions to build a culture of life leading up to the Jan. 21 Mass at noon at the Cathedral at St. Andrew. The Novena for Life was introduced by Dale Flamand, Arkansas State Council life director and member of Council 10167 at Christ the King in Little Rock and is sponsored by the diocesan Respect Life Office. 

Novenas will be led by parishioners from Our Lady of Fatima, Benton; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hot Springs Village; Cathedral of St. Andrew and Christ the King, both in Little Rock; and St. Jude the Apostle, Jacksonville. 

The video will also be shared on the diocesan Facebook and Instagram accounts. For more information, visit

The diocesan novena is part of the national initiative, which will be held Jan. 16-24.

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