What's in a name? Parents spend a lot of time deciding what name to give their children. Some names are chosen to honor beloved relatives, living or dead.
My middle name is Basil which is also the name of my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather and now a great-nephew. That's what people expected John the Baptist's parents to do. When informed that the name would be John, they said, "But there is no one among your relatives who has this name!"
But what is distinctive about the names we encounter in the Christmas story is that they all mean something in Hebrew, and they generally reveal something about the person's role in God's plan.
“Today we live in a world in which even non-believers celebrate Christmas and in which even many who call themselves Christians don’t really feel a need for a Savior. They either don’t feel lost — or blind to how out of whack their lives are — or at least don’t expect God to be enough interested in them to do much about it.
This is one of the reasons why our world seems so much darker today than it did only a few years ago.”