We have seen the future

Many thanks to these friends who joined or renewed their membership as Guardian Angels in 2023 to help Arkansas Catholic stay effective reaching Catholics of all ages in all kinds of media.

Membership gifts as of Dec. 31, 2023 total $21,430 or 107% of the $20,000 goal for 2023. Keep spreading the word!


Dr. & Mrs. James F. Gehring
In honor of Bishop Anthony Taylor
In memory of Maurice Willis Jr.
Marjorie Hunecker
Mr. & Mrs. William Uttrich
Paula Marinoni
One Anonymous Donor


Dr & Mrs. Dennis O'Banion
Greg Barre
In honor of Bishop Francis Malone
In memory of Richard Stephens
John A Thompson
Juan Rosales
Michael Kerwin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Doolittle
Mr. & Mrs. John Eckart
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kremers Sr.
Msgr. Richard Oswald
Rick Phillips
The Honzik Family
Two Anonymous Donors


Barbara Menz Bryan
David French
Deborah Meiklejohn
Delores Hartman
Eda Segalla
Father Andrew Hart
In memory of Albertine Elksen
In memory of Jeff Hertzog
In memory of Oliver Flynn
In memory of Shaun Michael Hinze
Jenna Muesse
Joseph R. Bergman
Judy Ortega
Marsha Lyon
Misty Ann Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Al Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Saad
Mr. & Mrs. David Witchger
Mr. & Mrs. James L Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hiegel
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Allgood
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hightower
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoepner
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Canterbury
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Orellano
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Beshears
Mr.& Mrs. Don Fitz
Ms Jo Evelyn Elston
Msgr. David LeSieur
Richard Michael Bushkuhl
Steve H. Wells
Steve Kordsmeier
Three Anonymous Donors


Carol Barnhouse
Carol Johnson
Curtis Goodfellow
Dc. & Mrs. Norm F. DeBriyn
Dc. & Mrs. Robert V. Brothers
Doris Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Casey
Dr. & Mrs. Robert DeBin
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Riley
Drs. Julissa and Robert Buchmann
Father Norbert Rappold
In memory of Andy Schmitz
In memory of Angela Thessing
In memory of Anna Lehr
In memory of Boise Reaves
In memory of Brooke Williams
John and Peggy Brandebura
Karen Blaylock
Marion Scroggins
Mary Bray Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Daiber
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nabholz
Mr. & Mrs. David Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn  Hildebrand
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn B. Chalmers
Mr. & Mrs. James Badami
Mr. & Mrs. James Conrad Battreal
Mr. & Mrs. James Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Jarrell Wrape
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Palmere
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Allgood
Mr. & Mrs. John K Lipsmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. John Woodall
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ortega
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Orellano
Mr. & Mrs.. Kevin Danaher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potts
Mr. Ken Eckert
Mrs. Gerry Tomlinson
Mwavita Fitina
Patty Throesch
Rimbo Ilembo
Sara Riley
St Scholastica Monastery
The Foor Family
Theresa Carle
Six Anonymous Donors


Ann LaCerra
Ann Lee
Carolyn Lensing
Catherine Upton
Cecile Green
Col. and Mrs. Edward Just Jr.
Concetta Baker
Curtis Schichtl 
Dc. & Mrs. Larry  Lipsmeyer
Dc. & Mrs. Wally Gieringer
Don Capshaw
Donna Rainey
Dr. & Mrs. James  Penney III
Dr. Mary Ann Stafford
Dr. Sam McGuire
Elizabeth Dober
Emmet Osgood
Francesca Brockmeyer
Gayle Priddy
HJ Schwarz
In memory of Bishop Lawrence Graves
In memory of Bobbye Harrison Kreulen
In memory of Samuel Joseph Hurt
In memory of Tom and Linzy Paladino
John Gillam Jr.
John Sutey
Johnny Howell
Leonard Schmitz
Lynne Stansbery
Marie Needham
Mary Dyer
Michael Heathcott
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Anyakudo
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pharis
Mr. & Mrs. Bud McCollum 
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Bradbury
Mr. & Mrs. Danny J Kordsmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Felleito Melendez
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. James  Fulks
Mr. & Mrs. James Malik Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Jim  Passe
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Breen III
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth  Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Woodrum
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ortega
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Treichel
Mr. & Mrs. Russ Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Nosek Jr
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A Walters
Ms. Chris Allen
Patricia Cooke
Robert Ferrand
Robert Hinze Sr.
Tilla Miller
Tom Guanella
Four Anonymous Donors

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