In order to get the right answers about life, it is necessary to ask the right questions. A lot of people get the right answer to the wrong questions and end up wondering where and why they missed out on life.
For instance, a person may enter college asking, “What career can I choose that will make me the most money?” He may find the right answer to that question and yet be bitterly disappointed with his discovery.
All across America there are many wealthy executives who are absolutely miserable, both in their professional and their personal lives. They would gladly trade their six-figure salary for some sense of genuine contentment. What went wrong with their lives? They found the right answer to the wrong question. They approached life wanting to know the where and how of money. They found the answer, but they didn’t find life.
By implication, Jesus was saying to Peter, “As much as you have been forgiven in the past, and as much as you will need forgiving in the future, you have no right to place a limit on your forgiveness of others.” And it’s the same with us.