Today's Gospel is Jesus' famous parable of the Wicked Tenants, which appears in all three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) and about which you have undoubtedly heard many homilies.
A man plants a vineyard, leases it out to tenant farmers who then refuse to give the owner his share of the crop. They beat and murder two delegations of collection agents and then finally murder the landlord's son, deluding themselves into thinking that this way they will be able to take possession of the vineyard for themselves. Instead, the landowner destroys them and entrusts the vineyard to others.
This is a sobering message for us who today work in the vineyard of the Lord, whether in religious life or in family life or as young people. Are we producing for the Lord what he asks of us? Or are we willful like those Wicked Tenants? For whom and for what are we living? For ourselves or for the Lord? Whose will comes first in our lives — our own will or the Lord's will?
“Is there some dark recess in your soul that still harbors things that you’re not yet ready to bring to the Lord for healing — possibly because you don’t yet feel ready to face these things yourself?”