In promoting vocations to religious life, we often focus on the fact that God calls and waits for our response. The Gospel chosen for this jubilee fleshes this out a bit more clearly. "I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain…"
God doesn't just call us, he chooses us. He didn't just call Sisters Adrian Wewers, Maria Goretti DeAngeli, Leona Marie Selig and Elise Forst, he chose them, wanted them for himself. "I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain…" And together they have been his bride for a combined 275 years now! Sister Adrian 75 years, Sisters Maria and Leona Marie, 70 years, and Sister Elise 60 years. And he has chosen the rest of you sisters as well. And how has he chosen you?
Jesus has chosen you for joy: "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete." This means that however hard the path you might be on at the moment, you should make it a path of joy because the path of Christ is a path of joy … it leads beyond Calvary to victory. Some of you gathered here today are dealing with the inescapable reality of old age and infirmity. Well, don't just shoulder that cross bravely, embrace it with love and a smile on your face … and quickly you'll discover that Jesus is there bearing all of that cross but a tiny sliver for you!
Jesus chose you to “go and bear fruit that will remain” and this you have done, fruit produced that will stand the test of time.