Today we have the very familiar parables of the mustard seed and the yeast, both of which have to do with the remarkable growth of the kingdom of God from very small beginnings. We have seen this play out quite literally in Jesus and in our own lives.
Jesus started out as a single lone voice sent by the Father to proclaim the kingdom of God and like with a mustard seed, there was life within him right from the beginning just waiting to grow and bear fruit. That conviction of what God the Father was asking of him grew within Jesus over the course of the next 30 years and burst forth especially with the beginning of his public ministry.
Soon it grew to include others: 12 apostles, 72 disciples, growing crowds. Over the years this growing bush that we call the Church has been subjected to repeated setbacks — some of which have been self-inflicted — only to emerge from these prunings with renewed vigor and even greater growth, to the point that now one-third of humanity is Christian and 20 percent is Catholic.
Yeast within is already transforming you and is capable of transforming the society in which we live.