After a three-year break, the Fifth-Grade Vocations Day will return for Catholic school students on April 26.
This day introduces the students to priestly, diaconate and religious vocations for men and women.
Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate Mass at 9 a.m. for nearly 300 students at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Little Rock.
The day will also include workshops led by priests, deacons and religious brothers and sisters, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a tour of the seminarian House of Formation, located on the parish grounds.
"We gather fifth grade boys and girls and invite you to consider whether the Lord may be calling you boys to serve him as a priest or as a religious brother and you girls to serve him as a religious sister," Bishop Taylor explained in his 2019 homily at this event.
"My hope is that you will grow in the realization that Jesus will be with you and will help you if you are true to him and that being true to him means doing what he is asking of you already now as a fifth grader."
Schools that will be represented include Our Lady of Fatima in Benton; St. Joseph in Conway; St. John in Hot Springs; Christ the King, Our Lady of the Holy Souls and St. Theresa, all in Little Rock; Sacred Heart in Morrilton; Holy Rosary in Stuttgart; St. Paul in Pocahontas; and Immaculate Conception, Immaculate Heart of Mary and North Little Rock Catholic Academy in North Little Rock.
The Knights of Columbus will serve hot dogs for lunch and the Serra Club will provide religious medals to be given to the students during the concluding prayer service beginning at 2 p.m.
Workshops will teach the students about the various religious orders in Arkansas, how to pray through music and information about Catholic Youth Ministry. Religious and clergy will also share testimonials and answer questions in a panel discussion.
Religious representatives from Subiaco Abbey, St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, Holy Angels Convent in Jonesboro, Society of the Divine Word, Missionary Catechists of the Poor and the Daughters of Charity will participate along with pastors from Our Lady of Good Counsel, Christ the King and Our Lady of the Holy Souls in Little Rock and St. Paul in Pocahontas.
This event is sponsored by the Catholic Schools Office with support from the Vocations Office. For more information, contact Marguerite Olberts, associate superintendent, at or (501) 664-0340.