Fasting obligation lifted for those cleaning up after storm

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor issued this decree April 5, lifting the fasting obligation for those who are engaged in manual labor on Good Friday because of the tornado relief efforts.

We have all been shocked and saddened by the loss of life and property devastation caused by the recent tornadoes and severe weather in Central Arkansas, Wynne, and other parts of our beloved state. In the face of adversity, Arkansans have banded together to support those who have lost so much.

As you know, Good Friday is a day of both fasting (two small meals, one regular meal, with no food/nutrition in between) and abstinence (no meat). Because so many people will be engaged in manual labor this Good Friday as part of tornado relief efforts, and because the obligation of fasting could render such efforts difficult or even dangerous to the health of those assisting, pursuant to c. 87 §1, I hereby DECREE:

All those in Arkansas involved in manual labor as part of tornado relief efforts are hereby dispensed from the obligation of fasting this Good Friday, April 7, 2023. The obligation of abstinence (no meat) remains for those so obliged.

Please know that my heart and prayers remain with those who suffer from the storms. Our diocesan offices and parish communities will continue to provide tangible relief in the weeks and months to come.

I pray for a blessed Good Friday and Easter for everyone. May the Resurrected Christ also bring renewal and new life to our communities in Arkansas!

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