1. B
Lent lasts 40 days excluding Sundays, from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday.
2. B
False. Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation. While we aren’t obligated to go to Mass, it is the beginning of Lent and one of the most attended Masses annually.
3. B
Traditionally, Good Friday services are held at 3 p.m., the hour when it is believed Jesus died.
4. B
Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday because it is the day that we commemorate Our Lord’s real sacrifice on the cross, according to St. Thomas.
5. C
During Lent, adults should fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting means one full meal and two smaller ones that do not equal one full meal.
6. A
Baptists do not traditionally observe Lent. Lent is observed by Catholics, Anglicans/Episcopalians, Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians.
7. C
Holy Thursday is sometimes also called Maundy Thursday. It is derived from the Latin “mandatum,” which means “commandment.”
8. A
Lent means spring or the lengthening of days. It is traced to the Old English word lencten (related to “lengthen,” or lengthening of days or season of spring).
9. C
Confirmation is not usually associated with Lent. During Lent, reconciliation is emphasized, and catechumen prepare to be baptized and received into the Church.
10. B
Chrism Mass is the annual Mass during Holy Week where holy oils are blessed by the bishop. Chrism is a mixture of oil and fragrance used in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and holy orders, as well as consecrating new churches and altars.
11. A
Alleluia is never said during Mass in Lent. Alleluia is the Greek and Latin form of the Hebrew word Hallelujah and means “praise the Lord.”
12. C
Violet is the liturgical color during most days of Lent. Violet (purple) is also used during Advent.
13. B
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. The season officially ends when Holy Thursday Mass begins.
14. C
At Masses during Lent, the Gloria is always omitted, except for solemnities. Like Alleluia, the Gloria usually is not permitted.
15. C
Laetare is Latin for “rejoice.” On the fourth Sunday of Lent, we express hope and joy during our time of penance and fasting.
14-15 correct: Excellent work! We can tell you have been studying.
13-14 correct: Great job! Your grasp of Lent is commendable.
11-12 correct: You have a solid foundation in the faith.