How much do you know about the Lenten season? Grab a pen or pencil and answer these questions. You also can answer online and earn a certificate to download and print at or scan the QR code. See answers here.
1. Lent lasts for 40_______
a. days
b. weekdays and Saturdays
c. weeks
2. Ash Wednesday is a holy day of obligation.
a. True
b. False
3. Traditionally, what time are Good Friday services held?
a. Noon
b. 3 p.m.
c. 6 p.m
4. Masses are celebrated on Good Friday.
a. True
b. False
5. During Lent, adults should fast on_______
a. Fridays
b. Good Friday
c. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
6. What denomination doesn’t observe Lent?
a. Baptist
b. Methodist
c. Episcopal
7. Holy Thursday is sometimes also called __________________ Thursday.
a. First
b. Mardi
c. Maundy
8. What does the word Lent mean?
a. spring, lengthening of days
b. rebirth
c. renewal
9. What sacrament is not usually associated with Lent?
a. baptism
b. reconciliation
c. confirmation
10. What is the name of the Mass where the holy oils are blessed by the bishop?
a. Charism Mass
b. Chrism Mass
c. Christ Mass
11. Alleluia is never said during Mass in Lent. What does Alleluia mean?
a. Praise the Lord
b. I agree
c. Yahweh or Jehovah
12. The liturgical color during most days of Lent is____________
a. black
b. white
c. violet
13. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on__________
a. Holy Saturday
b. Holy Thursday
c. Good Friday
14. At most Masses during Lent, the Gloria is __________
a. sung
b. spoken
c. omitted
15. The Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare Sunday. The word Laetare is Latin for______
a. fish
b. suffering
c. rejoice
Written by Malea Hargett and Jeff Hines and reviewed by Father Andrew Hart, JCL