The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA), with the theme “Meeting the Needs of God’s People,” will include new initiatives this year connected to the synodal consultations in the diocese and the Eucharistic Revival.
Dianne Brady, diocesan development director, said CASA would kick off at all Masses Feb. 4-5 with a video/audio homily from Bishop Anthony B. Taylor. His CASA message will invite Catholics across the state to participate in youth and young adult faith formation and adult spiritual formation opportunities.
Bishop Taylor mentions, “we are taking steps to resume having Cursillos and spiritual director formation in both English and Spanish.”
In his CASA message, Bishop Taylor also announces that St. Edward Parish in Little Rock will be designated a diocesan shrine of Divine Mercy on June 11, the feast of Corpus Christi.
“In this shrine, we will have Eucharistic exposition and adoration every day at 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and at 3 p.m. — the Hour of Mercy — on Friday, Saturday and Sunday,” he said.
Parishioners are encouraged to fill out a pledge card and make a one-time gift or pledge over the next 10 months by check, credit card, or cash. Each family is asked to contribute 1 percent of their annual income.
The goal of CASA is to raise $2 million by Dec. 31 to support the new initiatives and the ongoing ministries of the diocese. The actual allocation of the funds contributed to CASA in 2023 will be decided by Bishop Taylor when the diocesan budget for fiscal year 2023-2024 is finalized.
Thanks to the generosity of Catholics in 2022, CASA funds are supporting the following:
- Parish and mission support, $120,000: The salaries and expenses for some priests and religious serving in mission churches are covered with CASA funds.
- Youth and campus ministry, $230,000: The Youth and Campus Ministry Office provides opportunities for Catholic youth and young adults to grow deeper in their faith and to have leadership experiences within the Church.
- Grants to Catholic schools, $100,000: Grants are distributed to schools based on their needs for scholarships, educational materials and building maintenance.
- Grants to faith formation and youth programs, $100,000: The Offices for Faith Formation and Catholic Youth Ministry oversee grants to parish religious education and youth programs to support their evangelization efforts.
- Diocesan ministries, $550,000: The diocesan staff and their ministries seek to spread the Good News to as many people as possible, including couples preparing for marriage through the Family Life Office and readers of Arkansas Catholic.
- Seminarian expenses, $75,000: CASA pays for a portion of the seminary tuition and living expenses for 19 seminarians.
- Catholic Charities of Arkansas, $100,000: Services for people in need include a free medical clinic, immigration and refugee resettlement assistance and a parish outreach liaison to help parishes with their programs that respond to issues impacting their families, such as domestic violence.
- Respect Life Office, $50,000: This ministry organizes the annual diocesan Eucharistic Procession and Mass for Life, observances for Respect Life Month and Project Rachel, the Church’s ministry to those who have been involved in an abortion.
- St. John Center maintenance and renovation, $575,000: The main campus for the Diocese of Little Rock includes office buildings, overnight accommodations for groups, a dining hall, a meeting center and St. John Manor with apartments for senior priests. Once the site for St. John Seminary, the buildings are older and require constant maintenance. Dennis Lee, chancellor for administrative affairs, said Byrne Hall would need extensive renovation in a few years.
Bishop Taylor’s CASA message ends with thanking Catholics in Arkansas for their generosity. He added, “I know these have been a very trying last few years — and I thank you in advance for your generous response to this appeal.”
For more information about how to participate in CASA 2023, visit or contact the Stewardship and Development Office at (501) 664-0340.