
Catholic schools welcome five new school administrators

Five new leaders took the helm at Arkansas Catholic schools this academic year, including (left to right) Nancy Handloser at Our Lady of Fatima in Benton, Zach Edwards at Trinity Catholic in Fort Smith, Susana Anderson at St. John in Hot Springs, Sara Jones at Mount St. Mary Academy in Little Rock and Jennifer Roscoe at Sacred Heart in Morrilton.
Five new leaders took the helm at Arkansas Catholic schools this academic year, including (left to right) Nancy Handloser at Our Lady of Fatima in Benton, Zach Edwards at Trinity Catholic in Fort Smith, Susana Anderson at St. John in Hot Springs, Sara Jones at Mount St. Mary Academy in Little Rock and Jennifer Roscoe at Sacred Heart in Morrilton.


Our Lady of Fatima

Nancy Handloser

Hometown: Little Rock

Education: University of Arkansas at Little Rock, bachelor’s degree in elementary education, 1989; University of Arkansas at Little Rock, master’s degree in educational administration and supervision, 2003

Educational experience: Our Lady of the Holy Souls, Little Rock, kindergarten and first-grade teacher, four years; The Cathedral School, Little Rock, assistant to the head of the new middle school and tutor for elementary school and elementary teacher, four years; Our Lady of the Holy Souls School, assistant principal, 15 years, and principal, three years; Barton reading and spelling tutor for children with dyslexia, Little Rock, one year

What is your educational philosophy? I believe all students come to us in different "places," regardless of the grade level they are in. As teachers we must meet them where they are and move them forward from that point. It is never a "one size fits all." First we must know our students, then we facilitate their learning in the best way possible for each student.

What do you believe are the benefits of Catholic education? The benefit of Catholic education is that God is at the center of all that we do. God gives us these children, as our own or as our students. We are to nurture them and to love them, all of them. It is our faith. This is what sets us apart. 

What is your favorite Scripture? For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I made to him. (1 Samuel 1:27-28)

What are your hobbies? Reading and going to the lake with family



Trinity Catholic School

Zach Edwards

Hometown: Fort Smith 

Education: University of Arkansas, bachelor’s degree in instrumental music education, 2007; Capella University, master’s degree in educational administration and leadership, 2014 

Educational experience: Fort Smith Public School, elementary music, two years; Trinity Junior High School,  band director, six years, and dean, seven years 

What is your educational philosophy? Put your students and teachers in a position to succeed.  Build a relationship, build their confidence and watch them grow!

What do you believe are the benefits of Catholic education? Catholic schools value each student and are able to give them more individualized education and leadership opportunities.  The school and the family are able to work more closely with each other to help their student get the most out of school.

Who is your favorite saint? St. Gregory the Great, patron saint of musicians, students and teachers

What are your hobbies? I enjoy spending time with my family, wife (Sarah) and children (Ava, 13, Reed, 10, Grant, 7 and Anabelle, 2) When I have free time, I like going fishing, golfing and playing games with my family.



St. John

Susana Anderson

Hometown: Hot Springs 

Education: University of Arkansas Little Rock, associate’s degree in criminal justice and bachelor's degree in criminal justice; Henderson State University, bachelor's degree in teaching and master’s degree in teaching; Henderson State University, beginning educational specialist degree (expected graduation in 2024)

Educational experience: St. John School, Pre-K3 program, five years; Lakeside High School, seventh-12th grade, five years; St. John School, third grade, one year

What is your educational philosophy? “If you have the knowledge, let others light their candles in it.” (Margaret Fuller)

What do you believe are the benefits of Catholic education? The benefits of a Catholic education are the basic human kindnesses that allow for civil society, "temperance, justice, prudence, and fortitude" but for me the virtue of mutual respect for all persons, religions, races, ages … we can go on and on. Teaching our children respect and value for every human life and person is the key that opens the doors for understanding. 

Who is your favorite saint? St. Elizabeth of Hungary, for making people more important than things. Mother Teresa, for doing what was the right thing to do, caring for those outcasts from society and thereby providing human dignity and equity to all.

What are your hobbies? Teaching and going to Mass at as many Catholic churches as possible. 



Mount St. Mary Academy

Sara Jones

Hometown: Texarkana, Texas

Education: ASU, Beebe, associate's degree with business core; John Brown University, bachelor’s degree in organizational management; University of Central Arkansa, master’s degree in teaching; UCA, educational specialist 

Educational experience: St. Theresa School, Little Rock, fifth grade, four years; Mount St. Mary Academy, Little Rock, assistant principal, four years, principal, three years 

What is your educational philosophy? To meet the student where they are on the educational journey and make progress from there. No two students are alike or have the same experiences.  

What do you believe are the benefits of Catholic education? Catholic education is such a blessing because many topics discussed in the classroom lend themselves well as opportunities to discuss our faith and how we should respond as Christians. It's important for our students to see our faith in action

Who is your favorite saint? St. Francis of Assisi

What are your hobbies? I love to tend to my flowers and do projects to my home.



Sacred Heart

Jennifer Roscoe

Hometown: Morrilton

Education: Arkansas Tech University, bachelor’s degree in elementary education, 1995; University of Central Arkansas, master’s degree in school counseling, 2020; Arkansas State University, educational specialist degree, expected 2023

Educational experience: Morrilton Middle School, fifth-grade teacher, five years;  Sacred Heart School, sixth-grade teacher, three years, and school counselor, five years

What is your educational philosophy? To create an educational environment, rooted in core Catholic beliefs, where all students can grow physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.

What do you believe are the benefits of Catholic education? For my own children, I wanted to surround them with a Christ-centered community, dedicated to service and instilled with core Catholic beliefs.

What is your favorite Scripture? For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also. (Matthew 6:21)

What are your hobbies? Spending time with my family, traveling, shopping, reading, gardening, DIY projects

Malea Hargett

Malea Hargett has guided the diocesan newspaper as editor since 1994. She finds strength in her faith through attending Walking with Purpose Bible studies at Christ the King Church in Little Rock.

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