
New deacon: Robert Phillips, Springdale

Deacon Robert Phillips
Deacon Robert Phillips

Robert Phillips, 56

St. Raphael, Springdale

Assigned to: St. Raphael, Springdale

Employment: Invoicing and distribution for craft brewery

Wife: Nancy

How did you hear your calling to become a deacon? Over the years my wife and I have always been active in the church and as our kids grew up and moved out, we were looking for other ways to serve. It seemed like the next logical step so we began the discernment process. I’ve learned so much about the richness and beauty of the Catholic faith in the program over the years, now I have an even stronger desire to share it.

What ministries are you currently involved in? Marriage prep program, RCIA, church fundraisers, PRE, youth ministry 

Who have been the biggest influences in your diaconate formation? Our priests and associate pastors, our deacons and my spiritual director

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