
New deacon: Dr. William Curry, Fort Smith

Deacon Bill Curry
Deacon Bill Curry

Dr. William Curry, 75

Immaculate Conception, Fort Smith

Assigned to: St. Joseph, Fayetteville

Employment: Retired oral and maxillofacial surgeon

Wife: Donna

How did you hear your calling to become a deacon? I have had a steady call from God over the last 20 years to accept the grace to do ministry in the Church, which became much stronger as I neared retirement.

What ministries are you currently involved in? Sacristan, lector, acolyte, Eucharistic minister, ministry to the poor and the homeless

Who have been the biggest influences in your diaconate formation? My wife Donna, Bishop-elect Erik Pohlmeier and the entire diaconate formation team, Father Jerome Kodell, Father John Antony, Father Daniel Velasco, Deacon Greg Pair and Deacon Charlie Kuehl

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