
New deacon: Dr. Ted Saer, Little Rock

Deacon Ted Saer
Deacon Ted Saer

Dr. Ted Saer, 71

Our Lady of the Holy Souls, Little Rock

Assigned to: Our Lady of the Holy Souls, Little Rock

Employment: Orthopedic surgeon

Wife: Wendy

How did you hear your calling to become a deacon? God slowly created in me a desire to follow him more closely, opening doors and inviting me to grow into the person he created me to be.

What ministries are you currently involved in? RCIA 

Who have been the biggest influences in your diaconate formation? Bishop-elect Erik Pohlmeier, for his strong leadership; our deacon leaders, for their constant help and support; the other men (and their wives) in formation, for their help and their camaraderie in the tough times; and especially my wife, for her love and encouragement throughout the process. She inspires me to do better and to be better.

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