
New deacon: Dan Grelle, Rogers

Deacon Dan Grelle
Deacon Dan Grelle

Dan Grelle, 62

St. Vincent de Paul, Rogers

Assigned to: St. Vincent de Paul, Rogers

Employment: Senior engineering technician

Wife: Christine

How did you hear your calling to become a deacon? I've always felt God calling me to serve in various ministries in my parish. As I continued to encounter the people of the parish, I sensed God asking me to serve them in a different way, by becoming a deacon.

What ministries are you currently involved in ? I am currently discerning what particular ministry God is calling me to.

Who have been the biggest influences in your diaconate formation? I feel my mom and grandmother had the biggest impact on my spirituality leading up to entering into diaconate formation. My biggest influence since entering formation would be my brother Larry, who will be ordained with me.

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