Knights of Columbus to host 9-11 service

Parishioners of St. Joseph Church in Fayetteville will be commemorating the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks at 2 pm on Saturday. More than 75 worshipers of all ages, including retired police and military veterans, will be joining together to stand in the shape of a giant rosary to offer prayers for the lives lost in the September 11th attacks, for peace in the world, and for the safety and protection of local police, fire, and medical first responders. 

“Praying the rosary is one of the most visible devotions people associate with being Catholic.  We wanted to honor our local First Responders in a very visible and spiritual way, and there is no better way for us as Catholics to do that than with the Rosary– as the rosary” said Rich Oloffson, leader of the Fayetteville Knights of Columbus Assembly and event organizer. 

In Saturday’s “Living Rosary,” the participants will each represent a “bead” in a giant rosary formed by the congregants.  Over the course of an hour, the group will pray through each of the rosary’s 73 prayers with each person leading the others in the prayer their “bead” represents. Between the decades of prayers, the participants will be given a short history of the September 11th attacks to help center their prayer intentions.

“September 11th is perhaps the greatest American tragedy most of us have lived through, and today gives us a moment to pause, pray, and be thankful for the resilience of our nation and for the bravery and sacrifice of our first responders then and now,” said Chris Fitz, a longtime parishioner of at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Fayetteville.

The event is organized by the Fayetteville Knights of Columbus Assembly #3896 and will be held outdoors on the St. Joseph soccer fields

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