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Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Feb. 27 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and free digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Pope: Use Lent to discern whether heart is directed toward God or self

VATICAN CITY — Lent is a time to reconsider the path one is taking in life and to finally answer God's invitation to return to him with one's whole heart, Pope Francis said.

Iraq has plenty of historic sites important to Christianity

AMMAN, Jordan — Pope Francis hopes to embark on the first-ever papal visit to the biblical land of Iraq in early March in a spiritual pilgrimage of sorts to the place known in Arabic as the "land of the two rivers" — the mighty Tigris and Euphrates — and once renowned as Mesopotamia, the "cradle of civilization."

Bishop sprays holy water to ‘cleanse’ Colombia city

BOGOTA, Colombia — The bishop of a Colombian city that is suffering from a deadly spike in drug violence boarded a firetruck to spray the town’s main street with holy water and help to "cleanse it" of evil.

How can I let go of the guilt from my arrogance? 

Q. I am a Christian, although not much of a religious person at heart, but I could use your advice. I have a wife and a 5-year-old daughter whom I love very much, but I have hurt them a lot — not by any means physically, but instead through my complete arrogance. Now, thanks to a wake-up call in my life, I have asked for forgiveness directly, and my wife has offered me the chance. But the feeling of guilt still haunts me. What should I do, Father? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Forced labor, Lent and what clothes we buy

One morning I discovered that a sheet on my bed had ripped during the night. I thought they were good quality sheets. How could they shred? (Columns)

Here's to a good, good girl who was loyal as she could be

My beloved met me at the top of the stairs, and one look told me what awaited the day. (Columns)

How are we handling this extra-long Lent?

With the arrival of Lent, we enter into a natural time of reflection. (Guest commentary)

If Virginia can do it, so can Arkansas

If you are looking for signs that real progress is possible in the United States, that we can become a more just country, look no further than Virginia. (Editorial)


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