Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Nov. 28 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and free digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Pope shares 'lockdowns' that changed life
VATICAN CITY — While the coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions have interrupted people's lives and brought suffering on a global scale, every individual — including the pope — has or will experience traumatic interruptions in their lives, Pope Francis said in a new book.
All State
Several Catholic school athletes have earned All-State designation for volleyball and cross country. (Sports briefs)
What sins can be absolved only by the pope?
Q. When I was going through the RCIA program to join the Catholic Church, the presenter said that there are some sins that can be absolved only by the pope. What sort of sins are they? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
Pride and vanity roots of nation’s great divide
Ever since I was a child, I’ve been troubled by conflict. It seems I never understood it or the reasons for it. Then, one day, when deeply contemplating one of the two great creation stories in Genesis, something clicked — not so much in my mind, but in my heart. (Columns)
Four reasons to be grateful during a pandemic
November is often referred to as Gratitude Month. Perhaps because this is the month in which we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, we place more emphasis than usual on this particular virtue, and we encourage each other to be more grateful and generous at this time of year. (Guest Commentary)