Holy Souls Teachers receive Social Justice Teachings grant

Terri Files and Heather Olvey
Terri Files and Heather Olvey

Heather Olvey and Terri Files, junior high language and social studies teachers at Our Lady of the Holy Souls School in Little Rock, are the recipients of a Teachers Pay Teachers Social Justice Grant. The grant was awarded to teachers based on their ability to create social justice teaching resources to help other educators address themes of social justice and anti-racism. Olvey and Files were among over 500 grant applicants from around the country.

As part of the grant, applicants were to create at least one free resource to help guide discussion, as well as plans for a week-long unit. Olvey and Files were named Teach for Justice Teacher Authors, and their resources will now be featured on the Teachers Pay Teachers site.

This grant award comes after several years of cross curricular planning by Files and Olvey on units which highlight the Catholic church's teachings on social justice while incorporating curriculum standards of US history, geography, English, and literature. 

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