Arkansas Catholic packed with award-winning journalism

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Sept. 26 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and free digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Immigrants forced to get hysterectomies, group says

WASHINGTON — Groups that support immigrants have lodged a complaint with the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General saying that a nurse has come forward with detailed allegations of mass hysterectomies she said have been performed on immigrant women in detention in a Georgia facility.

Oregon's fire: Most churches safe for now, giving shelter

PORTLAND, Ore. (CNS) — While the foothills of Oregon's Cascade Mountains have been ablaze, creating red apocalyptic skies and leaving five small towns in ashes, most of the churches in the Archdiocese of Portland have not burned and many have offered shelter to thousands of evacuees.

Take courage, do justice, love goodness and walk humbly with God

What does God ask of us? In this ninth month of the year 2020, tons of stressful stuff is going on in our world, Church, communities, families and in our own lives. So, delving into what God requires of us may take courage. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith

What do you like most about your Catholic school?

“What I like about my Catholic school is that you could always see your friends even if you’re 6 feet apart. I love that the teachers and staff will help you with your work or just talk to you. We do …" (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Get out silver, gather friends, make a moment

It was one of those sultry summer mornings when the early morning offered a small respite before the heat of the day. My neighbor was sitting on her back patio under the shade of her large blue umbrella performing what seemed an odd activity. (Columns)

Reminder for us all: Speak truth in charity

“Living the truth in love, we should grow in every way into him who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body … with the proper functioning of each part, brings about the body's growth and builds itself up in love." (Ephesians 4:15-16) (Guest Commentary)

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