Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's May 2 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and free digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
May God bless you
Father Stephen Gadberry blesses families and vehicles at St. Mary Church in Batesville April 26. Parishioners stayed in their … (Photo)
Michael Fredrick Spillman, 64, a member of St. Barbara Church in De Queen, died April 17. He is survived by …
Rejoice with St. Joseph when God overthrows the idols in our lives
“Go to Joseph …” (Genesis 41:55) the people of Egypt were told when afflicted by famine in their land. Today, we too are urged to go to Joseph, the watchful defender of Christ, the foster father of the Son of God, the spouse of the Virgin Mary and the head of the Holy Family. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
What saint inspires you?
“St. Michael is my favorite. I chose St. Michael the Archangel as my confirmation name. He is the guardian of all Christians and also my protector. Also, if he can protect others, I can protect my own faith with him. He is also … (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Back to ‘normal’: Letter to my future self
To my post-quarantine self: I’m writing to remind you of how things were during the COVID-19 pandemic, to chronicle some lessons you learned, and to remind you of the kind of change you wished to see in your life after lockdown. (Columns)
Where is God during this lockdown?
As the coronavirus crisis causes disruptions and even lockdowns in our societies, many people seek answers as to why this disease with such an impact has emerged. (Guest commentary)
You can do this: stay hopeful, patient
As people are eager to get back to the new normal or the new abnormal, many people are also eager to worship together again. (Editorial)