
Where victims of addiction can turn for help

There are several resources for addictions available to Arkansans.

Alcohol and drugs

• Catholic Charities of Arkansas list of local drug and alcohol treatment centers; dolr.org/catholic-charities

• The Calix Society of Central Arkansas; dolr.org/article/calix-society-alcoholics-seeking-healing; (501) 960-0421 or e-mail calix@dolr.org

• Alcoholics Anonymous Arkansas (Central); arkansascentraloffice.org/meetings; Hotline, (501) 664-7303

• Al-Anon (for families or friends of alcoholics); arkansasalanon.org

• Arkansas Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous; arscna.org; (800) 338-8750

• Arkansas Take Back list of drug recovery services; artakeback.org/wellness/recovery; (501) 618-8175 (main number)

• Free NARcansas app; artakeback.org/narcansas; opioid overdose resource listing tools that explain how to administer the drug naloxone after an opioid overdose. (Naloxone can be purchased at pharmacies with no prescription)


• Protecting Families and Children from Pornography, ministry of St. Joseph Church in Pine Bluff; markeves2014@gmail.com; (870) 267-3327; church office, (870) 534-4701

• Reclaim Sexual Health, Elizabeth Ministry International, Wisconsin; reclaimsexualhealth.com; (920) 766-9380

• STRIVE pornography detox program cardinalstudios.org/strive

• White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Week; endsexualexploitation.org/wrap; (202) 393-7245

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